Home Learning - Reading

Here are some ideas for what to practice when you are reading at home.  Remember to use the school and public libraries for some books you really love to read when you have finished the book from your reading group. 
See if someone at home can give you some quesions like these...or why not have a go making your own questions up like these to answer for yourself or someone else......

Reading work for home examples

Evaluating – these are questions where you need to take some clues from the story to support what you think.

Work we’ve done that helps with this:  PMI Chart

What was a positive thing that the character did?

What was a negative thing that the character did?

What is good about this story for children?

Why isn’t this story good to give children to read?

Reorganising- these are questions where you need to use several pieces of information from the story to support your answer.

Work we’ve done that helps with this:  visualising pictures

In what ways did the character show kindness?

What sort of things would the character tell you about their adventure?

What were the ways that made the setting a scary/nice place to be?

What does the setting look like?

What is the character like?

Inference – these are questions where you need to answer a question that is hard because the answer can only be found by thinking about the meanings in the story.

Work we’ve done that helps with this: Thinking of keyword in question to find answer in text

Why did the character want to go there?

What made the character worried?

Why was the character happy?

Literal – these are question where the answer is quite simple to find.

Work we’ve done that helps with this: Thinking of keyword in question to find answer in text

What things did the character use?

What does the character see?

What happened after…..?

Vocabulary – these are questions where you need to answer what a word means based on the story and the sentence or piece of  information it is use in.

Work we’ve done that helps with this: Clines map/using synonyms to check

Based on the story…what does……mean?

-you should give your own ideas but they should make sense with what the story says.

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