Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mathletics Award

For week 8 and 9 Room 12 is the current holders of the trophy for "Mathletes of the week". Well done room 12...keep up the good work and remember to tell me your weekly score on every second Tuesday for team assemblies. For example Week 8 - team assembly - tell me your score on Monday Week 9 - School assembly - no need for score.

Certificates week 6/8

Well done, Jonty And Shivanjali Annie and Keta Keep up the good work

Cubes building game

Here is the link for making those cube drawings....have a go and see how many cubes you shape measures Cubes building game


Well we have not been very up to date with our posts. We'll have to make more of an effort to get back into our blogging and share what we've been up this space....