Friday, August 24, 2012

new treaty

Today we wrote a treaty and we used intresting words using honesty/responsibility respect and empthay. We talked about what it means. This is our treaty and we all signed it. It is an agreement that we will follow it and that we understand that if we break our promises it can lead to broken trust. Then we can't do some of the cool things that we want to do. 1. Have empathy. 2. Show respect. 3. Be responsible. 4. Be honest. 5. Concentrate on learning 6. Have a happy attitude. 7. Make positive decisions.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cook Island Group

Hi  all I couldn't quite get on here as a powerpoint but you can still see it.  I have put the link for athe website I got the map etc off too. I will add more as we learn more.  Thanks for looking!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Stop Disasters game

Here is the link for the game we played today.  

Tsunami and other disasters simulation game

Remember to read all the things that pop up to give you information so you are learning all about natural disasters, the systems that cause them and the systems that people need to follow after them.

Have fun.
cool bananas

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

the three fishing brothers gruff

by Ben Galbraith ;I think that this book has a lote of fun staf that kids can read and learn this is what i think that it has a iote of simales in it that kids like to read and book that exiting parts and parts that you gust like the most like my best part is the bite that thay all die one got eaten by a  walle one got waked by a walled to the bottem of the sea and the old este one got eaten by shark and thay all died the ungest one hade the small este house and the smallest boat and the middle brother had the second tallest house and the second biggest boat, it also was the oldest brother that had the biggest house and the biggest boat.

scritch scratch


I like this book  because it is funny and
yuk because it has nits because the teacher  
has nits in her hair,nits in her class room and in peoples hair in class room.                       


I   like    how  the   the   king   and   the  girl    
lived   happly   ever    after   yellow   hat

I  feel  sorry  for  the   girl  who  was 
poor  red   hat

I   do  not  like  what  the  king  has  do
with  the girl  black  hat  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

white hat-tsunamis

Houses and towns can be washed away by a tsunami and many people can die-shevons group

The fastest tsunami in the world can each spends up to 800 kilometers per hour-mariannas group

Tsunamis are the most powerful destructive water wave on eath-liams group

Their are about 4 tsunamies in the world each year-loles group

Tsunamis is the japanese word for horror wave-daleys group

Tsunamis can 26 meters high-jontys group

Wednesday, August 8, 2012



I  like  this story because  they  eat  each
outher  and  v.s  animals  and   catch  
food  from  the  sea like  fish  and  squid  and  
they  show  there  speed,strength,how dum     
they are and how smart they,there attack,
and  they show there defense  because
so they can show how wins and how is the BEST.

I'll give them a 9/10

the cat in the hat comes back

the author by docter seuss
there was a big mess someone needed to clean it up but the children needed to so they cant play or sleep they needed to clean was good because there cleaning up the house.I also liked it because there were alot of rymes.there also came a cat that wanted to play alot but the children wanted to work first.the cat wanted to do tricks but all he did was a mess it wass kind of bad because he wanted to play but he made a mess.i liked it because he had alot of tricks up his sleaves.the one what i really liked was when he got 3 of him.

i give this book a 8 out 10

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


by Tony mitton and guy parker-Rees  i like how the author put in detaelled pichers in the story and mad the characters talk he allso put  rhymeing wrods and samills he interdos the polell in the story well  he put a twest to it  and he put lots of difint tings that poped up random i dint like how thay mad the ather characters scered of the ather things in the story aspeshwll when some of the characters weare cats and dogs skalltins and owl i give this book 9 stars out of 10 because it has great pictures and it is fun for kids to read.

the boy ,the bear the baron,the bard

this is a story by gregory rogers         this is a bad book because it doesn't have any words in it only pictures in it. i like how the author used pictures insted of words because so the author can show you what happend in the story. i feel like a dead boy because the author put dead heads on a line on top of a the end i give them a 1 because there are no pictures.

pete\s pudle

this is a story by pierre and hannah roche
the arthur has used similes
i dont like it how he uses the boaring words
i like it how he added more animiles in story
i dont like it how the story goes happy then unhappy
i like it how they used a ritoricill thing
i dont like it how theres to many pudles in this story
its funny how the arthur draws the people
the arthur writed so many good stuf
i like it how  he puted clothes on them because it will be rued to put them naked
i dont like it how the arthur puted to many people out side because they will get sick and soggie outside
what i like about the story i them being happy at the end so im going to give them a 1.1

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

black hat-judgment

people might fight sometimes-leimoana
some people mighht be bad sport-umar
people might be embarrassed of their team-lole
people could be mean to eachother-tupou
some people might get hurt-eden
its not nice when people dont cheer for their team-shevon
its not nice when people crash into eachother-keta
its not nice when countries have to spend alot of money and dont do well-miss hunt

yellow hat-benefits

people work together.leimoana
people get medals.natalia
it cheers people up-maynian
people can cheer for their country-lole
people can learn different languages-eden
the athletes get more energy-shevon
people can work as a team-keta
people can play more and more sports-ashrif
people can play and watch sports we have never seen before-miss hunt

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Book Review - The Sun is Laughing

This book is called "The Sun is Lauging".  It is a collection of poems written by 18 authors and illustrated by 11 illustrators.  It is a collection by Sue Ellis.

when you are reading this book thers nice drawings and cutting from other books .
I dont like how some pomes have alot  of  pages.It feels  if someone thows a tree its ike thowing you its bad to other trees  and other should have no vilince  


Well done to the girls in room 12 that won a spot for their art work to be reprinted and enlarged and put onto our school fence.  It's going to look great and will be there for many years to come.  See what can happen when you have a go!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

white hat olympics

there are lots of people doing olympics for newzealand this is one of the people that i know alison walker she is a bmx rider

white hat olympics

olympics has diffrent kind of sports and all has diffrent countrys from around the word come together
to compete for gold and silver and bronze medal thats the main prize that everyones eming for ... and its one of the biggest sport event in the word. and it brings all culutrs togther.

white hat olympics

one of  the sports is swimming.

the athletes  need  lots of rest.

the words medals are sliver and  gold  and bronze.

white hat olympics

You  might  sweat  when you do sports

The athietes do sports

white hat olympics

Running is a sport

white hat olympics

The olympics people do jumping

white hat olymics

They run 100m they shoot blads that go farst they dance and do flips on bouncy board

white hat olympics

one of the sports is long jump.

another sport is shot putting.

athletes have to eat really healthy to have energy for the sports.

white hat olympics

this year it is in London.

the olympics started in Greece.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thinkers key - Birds


Happy holidays everyone. Have a good rest and if you are looking for some extra work to do in your time off school, have a good blast on mathletics and make sure you keep reading lots of books. Our topic for the first few weeks when we come back is about the Olympics so you could start checking that out.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mathletics Award

For week 8 and 9 Room 12 is the current holders of the trophy for "Mathletes of the week". Well done room 12...keep up the good work and remember to tell me your weekly score on every second Tuesday for team assemblies. For example Week 8 - team assembly - tell me your score on Monday Week 9 - School assembly - no need for score.

Certificates week 6/8

Well done, Jonty And Shivanjali Annie and Keta Keep up the good work

Cubes building game

Here is the link for making those cube drawings....have a go and see how many cubes you shape measures Cubes building game


Well we have not been very up to date with our posts. We'll have to make more of an effort to get back into our blogging and share what we've been up this space....

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Room 12 is doing their assembley with their buddy class room 6 on Monday, 12.50. We will play a short video presentation and introduce the items on the assembley agenda.

Week 6 certificates

Great work and well done to the week 6 certificate winners;

Duffy certificates - Ambrose and Kacey

Special certificates - Ashrif and

Sunday, March 4, 2012

About posting

Great to see children posting on the blog and some good comments coming through...thanks point having a blog if nobody uses it!

So just an idea, when you log in and write a post from home can you please put your first name so I can put it under a label. That way your family and friends can click straight to your huh? For example I knew it was Eden that made one of the posts so I put it under Eden on the right hand side of the page.

Thanks Miss H

What is a butterfly

A butterfly is a insect.insects are six legged animals that have hard shells or exoskeletons on the outside of their bodies instead of skeletons. By multi butterflies

Thursday, March 1, 2012


protecting the enviroment is important because we make our world nice and green.when we have new green plant it protects other insect and so the insects can kill the bugs that kill the plants.plants protect the earth and gives us a shiny green world.when the world is nice and green we can have a nice protected country.

things about me

My name is eden. i am seven yrs old.i am a yr three.i go to ops.i am in room faviroute school subject is hobbie at school is playing with my friends and trying my best.i am nice friendly and helpful.the most important message is BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME DOING THE RIGHT faviroute food is faviroute place to go is mcdonalds wendys dennys and subway.the most best desert for me is chocolate fuge cake with ice cream on the side and cream.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You know.....

When you are watching t.v next time? why don't you think about how it matches with school??????

We are learning about narrative writing aren't we? so if you are watching Spongebob...who is the hero and villain? and what is their conflict?
If you are watching Phineas and Ferb...who are the main characters....what are their conflicts and each episode should have a climax and resolution....what are they? there is learning in the whole world around you...just think about it and bring your ideas to school...

Can't wait to hear them...


Today is a great day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Marae trip

Our trip to Awataha marae is approaching in the next few weeks. Keep the permission forms rolling in. Also there is the option of 3 payments of 5 dollars instead of the 15 all at once. Most importantly because this trip is out of our local community we need the permission forms in or the child cannot go on our trip :(

Week 4

A huge well done to our week 4 certificate earners:

Duffy - Jonty and Darzell for great work with reading.

Special certificates - Tavita and Sophia, both have an excellent attitude towards their learning!

Great work children. Keep doing these great things!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 2

Well done to our first certificate winners:

Duffy - Leimoana and Maynian

Special Certificates - Nathaniel and Daley

Keep up the great work!


We have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. We learnt that a treaty is an important document and it is used when we need to make agreements and promises between two groups. Like the Maori and the Pakeha. We made our own treaty:

Treaty 'Do' List

Cool myself down when I am having trouble staying in control.
Talk nicely and gently to eachother.
Be kind to others.
Put things in the right place.
Use equipment sensibly.
Look after our class members.
Respect people and their things.